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Wilderness Outdoors · BLD-me Lifestyle | Spring tea is lush, together we pick it, BLD-me CLUB ascends the spring mountains, savoring the grand spring event.

2024-04-11 15:51:00

The finest season of the year is spring, and the tea of spring should not be missed. On March 31st, BLD-me CLUB members will gather at the Longwu Tea Mountains, embracing the role of tea farmers for a day. Amidst the verdant slopes, they will embark on a delightful outdoor, accompanied by the company of tea.

Longwu Tea Village, recognized by the Hangzhou municipal government as a protected base for West Lake Longjing tea, is one of the core production areas for this renowned tea. Here, tea plants are cultivated along the mountains, and each leaf carries the freshness of the landscape and the purity of nature. On March 20th, the official tea-picking season for West Lake Longjing tea of 2024 commences, with tea farmers moving through the lush tea fields, manually harvesting the annual pre-Qingming tea. BLD-me CLUB organizes an exclusive spring tea-picking experience for its members, offering a chance to savor the aroma of West Lake Longjing tea ahead of others and to preserve the millennia-old tea-making craftsmanship.

Each with a basket, busy with the tea harvest

The tea mountains roll and rise, their greenery reaching to the skies. After gathering at the campsite, members, led by local tea farmers, don their wide-brimmed hats, shoulder their small tea baskets, and climb the steps, delving into the tea fields. With each bud and leaf, and between twists and plucks, they feel the passage of tea leaves through their fingertips, tracing the hard-earned journey of a cup of fragrant tea.

One bud, one leaf, a hint of fragrance.

After a while among the tea hills, members return to the campsite at the foot of the mountains and join the professional tea artisans to learn the art of tea frying. Employing the four techniques of scooping, shaking, tossing, and pressing, they experience the skill and perseverance encapsulated in the saying "the tea never leaves the hand, the hand never leaves the tea."

Subsequently, the group settled down to savor the tea, enjoying a tea culture presentation by a tea master, sharing the aroma of tea, and relishing a leisurely half-day in this fleeting life.

With each chisel and stamp, the spring hues take imprint.
The verdant beauty of spring is fleeting, and our members yearn to capture this brief yet exquisite moment. Through a unique ritual, they gently "carve" the meadow's fresh flowers and green leaves into canvas tote bags, taking home not just the tokens but the cherished memories of spring.

The spring tea has awakened, with its vibrant green, join BLD-me CLUB to revel in the wilderness moments, enhancing the beauty of life!

The story continues...

Committed to crafting a tasteful lifestyle and delivering the ultimate service experience, BLD-me CLUB, as a vessel of this pursuit, deeply integrates people, cars, and life. Centered around themes such as lifestyle experiences, entrepreneur salons, and curated product tastings, BLD-me CLUB continuously introduces a vibrant array of club activities. These events bring together like-minded individuals, making a beautiful life within reach.

Your good life, as you imagine it. Together with BLD-me CLUB, unlock a world of unknown and delightful lifestyle possibilities, and revel in the pure joy of a quality life's many splendors.